Tuesday, 16 January 2018



Q1. Tick the correct option-:                                                                                (1*5=5)
(a)____________ mountains are formed due to the tectonic forces inside the earth.
(i)Fold Mountains      (ii)Volcanic Mountain       (iii) Block Mountains
(b) ___________farming is practiced on mountains.
(i)Irrigation Framing     (ii)Terrace Farming       (iii)Shifting Cultivation
(c)Plateaus are also called as_____________
(i)Tablelands      (ii)Tibetan Plateau          (iii)Bolivian Plateau
(d)The process of wearing down of the earth’s surface is called___________
(i)Erosion     (ii)Faults     (iii) External Processes
(e)________is an example of old mountains.
(i)The Aravalis   (ii)Mt.Kilimanjaro           (iii)The Himalayas

Q2.Answer the following questions in 50 words :                                           (3*5=15)
 (a)”Mountains are storehouse of water.” Explain.
(b) Differentiate between Young and Old Mountains.
(c)’Plains are the most thickly regions of the world’ Explain why?
(d)Different landforms are formed after undergoing the processes’ . Explain the processes.
(e) How are plateaus useful to us?

Q3.Answer the following question in detail:-                                                        (4)
(a)Explain the types of plateaus on the basis of mode of formation.

Q4. HOTS:                                                                                                                 (6)
a)People have settled down on different landform and have over utilized it. Discuss the consequences of this over utilization.

                 CHAPTER-7                             INDIA:OUR COUNTRY

Q1.Tick the correct option:-                                                                           (1*5=5)
(a)Our country accounts for___% of the total earth’s surface.
(i)16%                       (ii)2.4%                          (iii)20%
(b)____________is the largest state.
(i)Goa                      (ii)Rajasthan                    (iii) Tamil Nadu
(c)The places where rivers fall into the sea are called___________
(i)Mouth of the rivers                 (ii) Indus Plain          (iii) Ganga Plain
(d)India is most populous country in the world after_____________
(i)Russia                  (ii) China                           (iii) USA
(e)__________is the triangular feature formed by the deposition of alluvium at the mouth of the river.
(i)Delta                    (ii)Ghats                            (iii)Garben
Q2.Answer the following questions in 50 words.                                        (3*5=15)
.(a)Define subcontinent. Name the countries which form the Indian sub continent
(b)Discuss few features of The Great Indian Desert
(c)Discuss the Island groups of India
(d)Define coral Islands.Name the island which is a coral island.
(e)Give three features of western coastal plains.
Q3. Answer the following question in detail :                                                  (4)
a)The Himalayas comprise  of three ranges. Describe them in brief.
Q4.The Himalayas are one of the important physical features of our country. Discuss about the three ranges that fall under them.                                                        (6)

              Chapter -5 :                             RURAL SELF GOVERNMENT
Q1. Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                        (1*5=5)
(a)The word panchayat mans _____________
(b)Secretary to a gram panchayat is appointed by the _____________
(c)____________is also known as the Mukhiya or Pradhan.
(d)___________implements the work given by the block samiti.
(e)____________ is another name for deputy president of a Gram Panchayat .

Q2. Answer the followig questions in 50 words:-                                           (3*5=15)
(a)What is the difference between Civil and Criminal cases?
(b)List down any three functions of Block Samiti
(c)Mention any three sources of funds for the Zila Parishad
(d)What work does a secretary to a Gram Panchayat do?
(e)Name the three levels of the Panchayati Raj system.

Q3.Answer the question in detail :                                                                             (4)
(a)List four main features of the seventy third amendment act passed by the government.

HOTS:-                                                                                                                           (6)
Q4.How does Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat play an important role in our country? 


Q1. Answer the following questions in one word:-                                           (1*5=5)
(a)  ____________ vegetation comprises stunted trees and shrubs.
(b)Mumbai experiences moderate climate due to its______________
(c)The Bay Of Bengal branch brings rainfall to _____________
(d)Babool is an example of ______ tree.
(e)_____________ are the species which have been completely wiped out.

Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words :                                          (3*5=15)                                  
(a)  What are western disturbances?
(b)  Why the average temperature of southern India is much higher than in northern India?
(c)  What is monsoon and monsoon winds?
(d)  Why coastal plains of India experience a moderate climate compared to northern plains?
(e)  List any three features of Desert Vegetation

Q3.Answer the following question in detail                                                             (4)
a)    The Himalayas play a major role determining the climate of our country. Do you agree? Explain

Q4.HOTS:-   a) Forests are extremely vital for a number of reasons. Explain.             (6)

                 CHAPTER-6:                          URBAN ADMINISTRATION
Q1. Give one word for the following:-                                                                 (1*5=5)
(a)____________presides  over the meetings of the counselors.
(b)__________ are the people with expertise in urban administration.
(c)______________ refers to the solid waste material generated byhumans, animals, and economic activities.
(d)_____________ presides over the meeting of the councilors.
(e)__________ is a tax on roads and bridges.

Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words                                            (3*5=15)
(a)Why is mayor known as the first citizen?
(b)Mention any three sources of income for Muncipalities.
(c)What is the role Finance Commission?
(d)Who are Alderman?
(e) What are some of the occupations in urban areas?

Q3. Answer the following question in detail:-                                                    (4)
(a)How are Municipal Corporations formed? Discuss the role of municipal commissioner.

Q4.Municipal Council look after all the needs of the small towns. According to you what role does Chairperson, Commissioner  and Committees play here?                       (6)

Chapter :                    DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION
Q1.Give one word for the following:                                                                   (1*5=5)
(a)Civil courts are presided over by______________
(b)___________is the head of the police.
(c)__________ are revenue officers at sub divisional level.
(d)Criminal courts are presided by_____________
(e)___________ measures framers lands and fields and records the details.

Q2. Answer the following question in 50 words :-                                           (3*5=15)
(a)What are subordinate courts? Who presides over them?
(b)List any three functions of District Administration
(c)Why land records maintained by Patwaris is important?
(d)What is the role of Police in maintaining law and order?
(e)What function does an Executive Engineer and a Civil Surgeon perform?

Q3.Answer the following question in detail                                                         (4)
(a)Discuss about judicial administration of a district

HOTS:-    (a)District Administration perform various functions’. Explain its  functions in detail.                                                                                                                        (6)

CHAPTER-4                                     DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT
Q1.Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                        (1*5=5)
(a)__________ refers to the views of the public on matters of general concern
(b)In India governments are elected for the term of ___________years.
(c) ____________ law ensures women get a fair share of family property.
(d)Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are involved in the conflicts over sharing of ______river water.
(e)_____________ includes all the policies and programs a political party plans to undertake if elected.

Q2.Answer the following questions in 50 words                      (3 marks)
(a)Elections limit the power of government. How?
(b)What is Universal Adult Franchise ? Why is it an important feature of a democracy?
(c)List any three features of democracy
(d)How can government avoid conflicts arising from religious processions and celebrations?
(e)How does Government ensure equality and justice?

Q3. Answer the following question in detail                                (4 marks)
(a)With the help of examples explain how government resolves conflicts?

Q4.Can media and political parties influence public opinion?

CHAPTER-8                                    RURAL AND URBAN LIVELIHOOD
Q1.Name them:- (1*5=5)
(a)Labourers and construction workers are_____________
(b)_____________of the farmers in our country are large farmers.
(c)____________has resulted in overcrowding of the cities.
(d)____________use modern agricultural machinery and equipment in the farms.
(e)people who sell goods on streets_____________

Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words                           (3 marks each)
(a)What is the difference between vendors and shopkeepers?
(b)What are Milk Cooperatives? Give one example of a milk cooperative.
(c)What do call centers employ do?
(d)What is Migration? What are its consequences?
(e)What kind of people are employed in factories?

Q3.Answer the following question in detail:-                   (4 marks)
(a)Differentiate between casual and regular workers                      
(b) Differentiate between Marginal and Landless farmers             
Q4. India is a country where various kinds of workers are employed. Explain the types of workers availablein urban areas.


CHAPTER -7                                        THE MAURYAN EMPIRE
Q1. Give one word for the following:- (1*5=5)
(a)  Ashoka appointed ____________ to spread his message of dhamma
(b)  The Mauryan traded with ____________
(c)  The Mauryan had provincial capital in ______________
(d)  __________ comprises a alrge number of kingdoms.
(e)  The word dhamma means _____________

Q2 Answer the following questions in 50 words:- (3 marks)
(a)  Who was Chanakya? Name the book written by him
(b)  What is an empire? How is it different from a kingdom?
(c)  List any three features of army of Mauryan empire
(d)  Describe the revenue system under the Mauryan empire
(e)  Mention about the literary sources which tell us about Chandragupta.

Q3. Answer the following question in detail :-                               (4 marks)
(a)  What were the major causes for the fall of the Mauryan empire?

HOTS:-  Q4. Ashoka took various steps to propagate Buddhism. Explain

CHAPTER -10                                THE AGE OF HARSHAVARDHANA
Q1. Name them:- (1*5=5)
(a)  Harsha has believed to written in _____________
(b)  The pallava set up their kingdom in ________
(c)  The main source of information of Harshvardhana is _____________
(d)  Harsha’s military leaders were called ____________
(e)  _________ were called the worshipper of Shiva

Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words.                     (3 marks each)
(a)Mention some valuable sources of information about Harsha and his time.
(b)Explain about the people and culture of the Pallavas
(c)How did the empire established by Harsha collapse?
(d) Who was Pulakeshin II  ? How did he come to power?
(e)How did Harshvardhana became a king?

Q3. Answer the following question in detail:-                     (4 marks)
What do you know about the Harshvardhana’s administration and army?

Q4. The Pallavas evolved a new style of temple construction. Explain with the help of examples.

CHAPTER -12                         ART AND ARCHITECTURE IN ANCIENT India
Q1. Give one word for the following;- (1*5=5)
(a)Jain text was written in____________
(b) The path used by devotees to walk around a stupa was known as ____________
(c)Paintings in caves are known as ___________
(d)Ashoka has constructed the ______ of Sanchi stupa.
(e)________ was the famous work on astronomy by Aryabhata.
Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words         (3 marks each)
(a)What are epics? Name some Sanskrit and Tamil epics
(b)Describe the paintings in ancient India
(c)What makes the iron pillar in Mehrauli unique?
(d)What were structural temples?Explain with the help of examples
(e)Discuss about the famous plays of ancient India
Q3. Answer the following question in detail:-                       (4 marks )
(a)What were stupas? Discuss their features
Q4. Ajanta paintings remain the finest examples of art in ancient India. Discuss

CHAPTER-10                                 GUPTA EMPIRE
Q1.Give one word for the following:- (1*5=5)
(a)__________ laid the foundation of Gupta Empire
(b) ____________ is the work written by Kalidasa
(c)The ______ prashasti is the main source of information about Samudragupta’s rule.
(d)The temples in Gupta rule were dedicated to____________
(e)__________ was known as the village headmen.

Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words                        (3 marks)
(a)What was the main source of information about the Gupta rule?
(b) How do we know that Guptas were technologically advanced?
(c)Discuss about the army of Gupta Empire
(d)List any three reasons for the fall down of Gupta Empire
(e) Name some learned men of Chandragupta’s court.

Q3. Answer the question in detail:-                         (4 marks)
Discuss about the administration and revenue system under the Gupta Rule.
The Prayag Prashasti is famous source through which we get to know about Samudragupta’s Court. Explain what information does it provide us.

Q1. Answer the following in one word:-
(a)__________ had several Hindu, Buddhist and Jain shrenis.
(b)Ring wells were used for _______
(c) Arikamedu served as center of trade with ________
(d) ____________  was an important center for Krishna Devotees.
(e)Gram Bhojakas were responsible for__________

Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words                   (3 marks)
(a)What is urbanization and second urbanization?
(b) What was the role shrenis?
(c)Discuss the Archaeological Sources which tell us about life of people in villages.
(d)Why Mathura is an important town?
(e)What kind of coins have been discovered from cities?
Q3.Answer the following question in detail:-                     (4 marks)
(a)Describe the lives of people in the villages of (i)North India (ii)South India
‘The cities which developed from mahajanpadas were fortified’.Discuss about them

Q1.Give one word for the following:- (1*10=10)
(a)The last Mauryan ruler was ___________
(b) The Shunga Dynasty was founded by____________
(c)The Pandyas ruled over _________ region.
(e)___________ is the biography of Buddha
(f) ______________ is the governing system introduced by Shakas.
(g) _________ is an important trading port during the rule of Cholas.
(h)___________ rulers issued the first coin bearing the names.
(i)________ route is followed by Chinese traders to reach distant lands for selling silk.
(j)________________ are the three powerful southern kingdoms.

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