Tuesday, 16 January 2018



Q1. Fill in the blanks -: (1*5=5)
1.    The maximum number of judges in the Supreme Court is---------------
2.    The highest state level court for appeal is ----------------------------------
3.    Dispute over money and property can be categorized as ----------------case.
4.    Retirement age of a high court judge is ----------------------------
5.    The apex court of the country is ----------------------------------

Q2.Answer the following questions in 50 words :                                           (3*5=15)
a)    What is meant by civil and criminal cases?
b)    Why is Supreme Court described as the court of law?
c)    How can a high court judge be removed?
d)    Define the term Jurisdiction?
e)    What is an integrated judicial system?
Q3.Answer the following question in detail:-                                                        (4)
a)    What are the powers and functions  of :
Q4. HOTS:                                                                                                            (3*2=6)
a)    How is independent Judiciary helpful for citizens of India?
b)    Why do people approach the Supreme Court if they are not satisfied with the High Courts and Subordinate Courts?.


Q1.Match the left side with the right side as the set of roles and responsibilities assigned :
Hear  the witnesses
Public Prosecutor
Record the statements of the witnesses
Defence Lawyer
Cross examine the witnesses
Take photographs of the burnt homes

Record the evidences

Write the judgements

Argue the case for the victims

Examine the witness in courts

Pass the judgement

Get the assaulted women medically examined

Conduct a fair trial

Meet the accused persons

Decide the punishment

Arrest the criminal

  Q2. Answer the following questions in 50-70 words:     (3*5=15)
a)    What is an FIR? Discuss its features.
b)    Describe the role of the police in investigating a crime
c)    Explain the role of judge in the Indian Judicial Criminal System
d)    What is the role of the public prosecutors.
e)    Mention the four key players in criminal justice system.

Q3. Answer the following question in detail :                                                  (4)
1.    Briefly trace the procedure of filing an FIR.
HOTS:                                                                                                               (6)
Q4.”Do you agree that the judiciary is responsible for punishing the wrong doers and safeguarding the rights of the innocent. “ Justify .

Q1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:-            (1*5=5)                                                                           
a)    Indian government abolished the practice of manual scavenging in----------------(1992,1993)
b)    ----------------------seats are reserved for OBCs in government services . (25%,27%)
c)    Harijans preferred to identify themselves as ---------------------(OBCs,dalits)
d)    Women lost their rights to education and -------------------(dowry,property)
e)    The Sachar Committee’s report outlines the marginal status of ----------------in India (Hindus, Muslims)
Q2. Answer the followig questions in 50 words:-                                           (3*5=15)
a)    List three reasons why Adivasis are becoming increasingly marginalized?
b)    What provisions are made to protect the interests of minorities?
c)    “ Muslims are marginalized communities”. Give two reasons
d)    How fundamental rights ensure the cultural and religious freedom of minorities.
e)    How are dalits confronting marginalization?
Q3.Answer the question in detail :                                                                             (4)
List some of the constitutional provisions that seek to protect the interests of SCs and STs.?

HOTS:-                                                                                                                           (6)
a)    Name some religious minorities in India
b)    How does the constitution determine marginalized groups?


Q1. Answer the following questions in one word:-                                           (1*5=5)
a)    Prime Minister is the chairman for this commission-----------------------
b)    An example of Employment programme started by Government of India----------
c)    High Yielding Variety of seeds ---------------------------------------
d)    Presence of both private and Public sector economies--------------------
e)    Small scale industries are called as-------------------------------------
Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words :                                          (3*5=15)                                  
a)    What are public facilities? What are its important characterstics.
b)    What does the Indian Constitution say about Right to Education?
c)    What difficulties are caused because of price rise?
d)    Why did our planners emphasise on agriculture in all the Five Year Plans?
e)    What is the difference between private and public sectors.
Q3.Answer the following question in detail                                                             (4)
Do you think the distribution of public facilities in our country is adequate and fair. Justify
a)    Write a short note on “ Water- a part of fundamental Right to Life”
b)      Why does the government provide public facilities to all the citizens.?         (6)


Q1. Give one word for the following:-                                                      (0.5*10=5)                                                      
a)    Organic material which determines the fertility of soil--------------------
b)    Densely populated landforms are -----------------------------
c)    Country which has the highest % of forest land is ---------------------------
d)    One of the major threat to environment is ------------------------------
e)    Highest % of land under crop land is -----------------------------------
f)     Widely spread natural disasters in hilly terrain are-------------------------
g)    Forests in which trees shed their leaves in one particular season are called -----------------------------------------
h)   Suitable method of soil conservation in hilly areas is---------------------
i)     Ecosystem is an interdependence between------------------------------
j)      Tundra vegetation comprises of -------------------------------------
Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words                                            (3*5=15)
a)    Explain any three measures to stop soil erosion.
b)    What are the main reasons for water pollution?
c)    Name any two steps that the government has taken to conserve plants and animals.
d)    Write the different techniques used to conserve water.
e)    Define the following terms: a) Weathering
Q3. Answer the following question in detail:-                                                    (4)
a)    What are the main factors responsible for soil degradation.
b)    Distinguish between tropical evergreen and tropical deciduous forests..

Q4.How would you motivate your family members to reduce to their daily water consumption. (6)

                   CHAPTER 3: ---------MINERAL AND POWER RESOURCES
Q1.Give one word for the following:                                                                   (1*5=5)
a)    Any one characterstic of minerals------------------------
b)    Leading producer of copper in the world-------------------------
c)    Mineral that is extracted from bauxite ---------------------------
d)    Petroleum is also called as---------------------------------
e)    Non –metallic minerals are found in--------------------------------

Q2. Answer the following question in 50 words :-                                           (3*5=15)
a)    Write down the advantages and disadvantages of coal.
b)    Differentiate between Natural Gas and Biogas
c)    What are non-conventional sources of energy? How are they different from conventional sources of energy?
d)    What are the different ways of mineral conservation?
e)    On what basis can the minerals be classified?
Q3.Answer the following question in detail                                                         (6)
(a)  What are the different techniques used for mineral extraction.
(b)  What are the different types of minerals ? Explain them briefly.

 (a)How can we say that Nuclear energy has  a very bright future in India (4)

Q1.Fill in the blanks:-                                                                  (0.5*10=5)
1.    -------------------------and --------------are fibre crops
2.    Tea is a major ----------------------crop in India.
3.    Wheat thrives best in ----------------------soil
4.    The three major millets in India are----------------,-----------------and ------------------
5.    ---------------------is the staple diet of tropical and sub-tropical regions
6.    In --------------------season wheat is growm in India
7.    --------------------------and ----------------------are two fundamental types of farming.
8.    ------------------------is the commercial rearing of silkworms
9.    ------------------is also called “ slash and burn” agriculture.
10. ----------------------is a tertiary activity.

Q2.Answer the following questions in 50 words                      (3 marks)
a)    What is shifting cultivation? What are its disadvantages.
b)    What are the differences between primary and tertiary activities.
c)    Define the following terms : 1. Nomadic herding    2. Green revolution 
d)    Name the fibre crops and name the climatic conditions required for their growth.
e)    What is agricultiure? Name the factors influencing agriculture.
Q3. Answer the following question in detail                                (4 marks)
(a)Make a comparison between “ INDIAN FARMING SYSTEM “ AND “ USA FARMING SYSTEM”.

Q4. Justify the statement briefly” Climate plays a vital role in agriculture”
Q5.  Do you think human occupations are interdependent?

Q1.Name them:- (1*5=5)
1.    Silicon Valley is located in--------------------
2.    Example of sunrise industry ----------------------
3.    Example of natural fibre----------------------
4.    Smelting means --------------------------------------
5.    Example of cottage industry-----------------------------
Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words                           (3 marks each)
a)    Which industry is often referred to as the backbone of modern industries and why?
b)    What are the similarities between information technology industry in Bangalore and California.
c)    Compare the cotton textile of Osaka and Ahemdabad .
d)    What is the significance of Agro-based industries in Indian Economy.
e)    Give the similarities between Pittsburgh and Jamshedpur.
Q3.Answer the following question in detail:-                                     (4 marks)
Explain the favourable factors for the location of steel plant at Jamshedpur.

HOTS:-                                                                                                              (6)
Q4. Classify industries on the basis of size.


Q1. Give true or false :
a)    Australia has a large number of immigrant population.
b)    South Asia is a densely populated region.
c)    Higher the literacy rate,lower the level of economic development of a nation.
d)    India has a favourable sex ratio.
e)    The knowledge and skill of the people are more important factors in the development of a nation rather than its numbers.

Q2 Answer the following questions in 50 words:- (3 marks)
(a)  Why people are considered a resource?
(b)  What are the geographical factors affecting the distribution of population.?
(c)  Briefly explain the density of population in India.
(d)  What are population pyramids?
(e)  Briefly explain the age, structure and composition of the population on India.

Q3. Answer the following question in detail :-                               (4 marks)
a)    Why do you understand by population explosion? How did it happen?

HOTS:-  Q4. Discuss the characterstics of a society with “ too many under 15s “  and one with “ too few under 15s”.

CHAPTER 7:                                                                     THE REVOLT OF 1857
Q1.Fill in the blanks:- (1*5=5)
a)    There was great resentment among the people because of the annexation of --------------------------------------
b)    The attempts by the British to introduce greased catridges hurt the -----------------sentiments of the people.
c)    The revolt of 1857 began at---------------------------------
d)    The Indians claimed ---------------------------as the emperor of India.
e)    Under the Queen’s Proclamation , the policy of ----------------------was put to an end.
Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words.                     (3 marks each)
1.    What were the political causes of revolt of 1857?
2.    How did the mutiny became a popular rebellion?
3.    Describe the contribution of the following in the revolt of 1857:
a)    Rani Lakshmi Bai       
b)    Kunwar singh
c)    Nana sahib
d)    Begum hazrat mahal
e)    Bakht khan
f)     Mangal pandey
g)    Tantia tope
4.    What were the immediate cause of the revolt?
5.    Describe the events during the sepoy mutiny.
Q3. Answer the following question in detail:-                     (4 marks)
a)    Why did the revolt of 1857 fail to achieve its aim?
b)    What changes took place after the revolt of 1857?


Q4. Many historians have called the revolt of 1857 –the first war of independence. Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer

CHAPTER 9----------------------------WOMEN AND REFORMS
Q1. Give one word for the following;- (1*5=5)
a)    Few social evils prevailing in 19th century---------------------------------------------
b)    Who established Brahmo Samaj?-----------------------------------------------------
c)    When was Widow Remarriage Act passed?---------------------------------------
d)    Names of any two women reformers in India--------------------------------------
e)    Which social reformer fought against devadasi system?-----------------------------
Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words         (3 marks each)
1.    Discuss the role of the following organizations towards abolishment of caste based discrimination.---------Prarthna samaj, Brahmo samaj,Paramhans Mandali.
2.    Describe the condition of women in 19th century India.
3.    Who were the major reformers in South India? What did they fight for?
4.    Discuss the reform movement in Maharashtra.
5.    Name three leaders who promoted widow remarriage.

     Q3. Answer the following question in detail:-                       (4 marks )
Describe in detail the main achievements of :
 Q4. Can you see the impact of reform movements in present time? Why?

Q1.Give one word for the following:- (1*5=5)
1.    Which three presidencies emerged during British Rule?---------------------------
2.    Give the names of few hill stations built by the British---------------------------
3.    When were municipalities established?------------------------------------------
4.    Name a few cities that lost their importance as a result of deurbanisation--------------------------------------------
5.    -----------------------------were well know for its textiles.

Q2. Answer the following questions in 50 words                        (3 marks)
1.    Why did the cities of Bombay, Madras and Calcutta gain importance?
2.    Why was Delhi called the city of monuments”?
3.    What were the eighteenth century Indian towns like?\
4.    Give reasons why old cities like Delhi and Murshidabad declined?
5.    Discuss the changes that the British brought about in the local administration.
Q3. Answer the question in detail:-                         (4 marks)
What changes did the colonial rule bring about in the medieval city of Delhi?
HOTS:-     How were urban centres administered?

Q1. Answer the following in one word:-
1.    The ----------------------school of painting was characterized by rich harmony of colors.
2.    Raja Ravi Verma mainly painted scenes from ------------------------------
3.    Rabindranath established Vishvabharti University at ----------------------------
4.    Asiatic society of Calcutta was set up in-----------------------by William Jones
5.    Who painted Nala and Damyanti?--------------------------
6.    The art form which observed carefully and tried to capture exactly what the eye saw -----------------------------
7.    The style of painting which showed Indian landscape as a quaint, unexplored land is called ---------------------------------------
8.    Painting which showed the social lives of Europeans in India are called------------
9.    Painting which depicted scenes from British Imperial history and their victories are called--------------------------
10. Oil paintings enabled artists to produce images that looked -------------------------


Q1.Give one word for the following:- (1*5=5)
1.    The extremists split from INC in -------------------------session
2.    The Muslim League was formed in the year-------------------------
3.    The INC was founded by ---------------------------------
4.    Name the leading members of HSRA--------------------------
5.    INC adopted the aim of Purna Swaraj in 1929 under the leadership of -------------
6.    In 1905, Bengal was partitioned by Viceroy--------------------------------
7.    The Vernacular Press Act was passed in--------------------------------
8.    When was Non-cooperation and Khilafat movement launched?--------------------
9.    How many delegates of INC attended the meeting of INC?------------------------
10. Who formed Muslim League?------------------------------------------------------
11. When did the congress split?-----------------------------------------
12. Which group dominated the congress after its split in 1907?---------------------------
13. “DO OR DIE” became the slogan for -----------------------------
14. The Rowlatt Act came into effect in the year  ---------------------------------------
15. At Champaran , Gandhi fought for the betterment of -----------------------------
16. Gandhiji established the Sabarmati Ashram in --------------------------------
17. The Second Round Table conference was held in the year---------------------------
18. General Dyer gave the order to fire at the unarmed protesters in --------------------------
19. M.K.Gandhi returned to India in the year-----------------------------
20. Simon commission was named after -------------------------------------
Q2. Answer the following questions:
1.    What were the early demands of Congress?
2.    Name some of  the political associations formed before 1885
3.    What was the significance of Lucknow Pact?
4.    Bring out the role of revolutionaries in freedom movement of India.
5.    Summarise the achievements of HSRA
6.    What brought the Muslim League and the Congress together?
7.    Discuss the importance of the Lahore session of 1929
8.    Why was Simon Commission boycotted?
9.    Why did Gandhiji suspend the Non-Cooperation Movement?

Q1. Fill in the Blanks:
1.    The constituent assembly which had members from all parts of the country met in:-----------------------------------
2.    New state of Andhra Pradesh came in----------------------
3.    In 1966, Punjab was divided into-----------------------------------
4.    The non-aligned movement was formed by :-----------------------------------
5.    Father of Indian Constitution----------------------------------------
6.    Which country has recognized “ Sinhala “ as its national language?--------------
7.    Who was appointed as the chairman of the Drafting Committee_---------------------
8.    Subjects that were placed in union list were ----------------,----------------and ---------
9.    Subjects in the concurrent list were--------------and -------------------------
10. Economic liberations policies were formulated by---------------------
11. The first meeting of NAM was held in ----------------------------------
12. Srilanka achieved Independence in------------------------------
13. Bangladesh separated from Pakistan in---------------------------
Q2. Answer the following questions :
a)    What was the purpose of Cabinet Mission? What did it recommend?
b)    Write short notes on:
a)    Quit India Movement
b)    Azad Hind Fauj
c)    Integration of Princely states
d)    Choice of National language
e)    Formation of states in free India.
c)    What are the Panchsheel principles?
d)    What are the principles of SAARC?
e)    What was India’s role in NAM?

f)     What is the significance of organizations such as NAM and SAARC?

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